At Clear Creek Community Services District, our goal is to provide safe, clean, drinking water to all of our residents!
The District employs, 11 full time personnel.
Current staffing includes:
Paul Kelley; General Manager
Amity Valdez; Administrative Assistant
Mellisa Tenney; Bookkeeper
Lisa Tharaldsen; Account Clerk
Morgan Rau; Distribution Supervisor, D3 Certified
Bill Palmaymesa; Chief Plant Operator -T5 and D3, Backflow Certified
Brandon Anderson; Water Treatment Plant Operator III - T3
Jeffery Head; Water Distribution Operator II - D2
Vacant; Water Distribution Operator I-
Ben Wallace; Water Distribution Operator I - D1/T1
Vacant: Water Distribution Operator II - D2/T2
Lyle Leonard: Water Distribution Operator I - D1
The CCCSD serves an area of 21,670 acres large (33.88 square miles) currently and manages over 100 miles of pipeline varying in size from 3" up to 45". The original District size totaled 6,800 acres and formation began in the early 1960's.
Our total contract amount from the United States Bureau of Reclamation is 15,300-acre feet annually and during a 'normal' water year. Drought years are subject to allocation restrictions and typically supplies will be augmented with outside water purchases or supplemented with the District water well field.