Meter Reading

The Clear Creek C.S.D. uses the Badger metering systems that includes the Badger Trimble device for Automatic Meter Reading and the Badger Recordall meters.

These meters meet the AWWA metering standards for accuracy with a life expectancy of 10+ years under normal use. The District is also using the Badger E-Series Ultrasonic meters in some applications.

If register lens is dirty, a light wipe with a damp cloth will clear lens for an accurate reading. Always remember to close the register cover after reading meter to avoid exposure to cracking or scratching of lens.

One of the most important factors in a correct reading is to note the proper number of digits. Read the meter register from left to right.

To better understand the way a meter is read please click on the link below that says 'Meter Reading 2020'. There are also other conversion factors that may help in calculating what your useage is in gallons!


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