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Board Rescinds Water Shortage/Drought Measures

Board Rescinds Water Shortage/Drought Measures

The improved hydrology and increased storage in Shasta Lake, the US Bureau of Reclamation provided for an increased water allocation to the District and then declared all of the Districts contract water available for the 2023-24 water year.  The Bureau announcement to it’s Central Valley Project users:   https://www.usbr.gov/newsroom/news-release/4493

The District’s Board of Directors approved ordinance 2023-06 that rescinded the previous water shortage/drought declaration and ended all water shortage/drought measures.  The drought rate (blended water usage rate) is no longer in effect.  The updated water usage rates for Domestic and Agriculture water are now in effect – check the rates page on this website.  The winter storms of December through March brought sufficient rain and snow fall to convince the water managers at the Bureau to provide all it’s Central Valley Project users their full contract water allocation.  After years of Drought, this is a relief to the District and encourages it’s customers to use as much water as they can afford.  The District is continuing to improve operations, maintenance and customer service during this water year.